Meeting Time and Location

Plum Borough AARP#3067 meets at 12:00 noon the second Tuesday of the month, September through June at Unity Community Church 215 Unity Center Road Plum Borough, PA 15239

Monday, September 30, 2024

Christmas Party


October meeting

 The Plum Borough AARP Chapter #3067, a social and service organization for seniors will have a meeting on October 8, 2024 at noon at the Unity Community Church 215 Unity Center Road Plum Borough, PA 15239. New members are always welcome. The dues for the year is $15.00. The Plum AARP presents informative speakers or entertainment at each meeting. Information will be available on a variety of reasonably priced trips for those interested. A hot dog lunch will be served at the October meeting for a cost of $3.00.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

November 14, 2023 General Meeting

Presentation by Life Changing Service Dogs for Veterans     



Bill Jeffcoat   

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

September Meeting





The Plum Borough AARP Chapter #3067, a social and service organization for seniors will have its first meeting of the 2023-2024 year on September 12, 2023 at noon at the Unity Community Church 215 Unity Center Road Plum Borough, PA 15239. New members are always welcome. The Plum AARP presents informative speakers or entertainment at each meeting. Plum AARP hosts 2 hot dog lunches each year, and sponsors service projects. Light refreshments are served at the meetings. Also, a variety of reasonably priced trips are available for those interested. Dues are only $15 per year. The entertainment for the September meeting will be Twan Moore who will be singing Rhythm and Blues selections. Light refreshments will be served.

Sunday, May 28, 2023


Due to scheduling conflicts at 
Unity Community Church
Our General membership meeting on 
Tuesday June 13th 
will be at the 
American Legion at 7824 Saltsburg Road in Plum.