Meeting Time and Location

Plum Borough AARP#3067 meets at 12:00 noon the second Tuesday of the month, September through June at Unity Community Church 215 Unity Center Road Plum Borough, PA 15239


Plum Borough AARP #3067

 October 10, 2023

 Unity Community Church, Plum Borough, PA 

The meeting was called to order at 12:00 pm by President Tim Magerl. Doris Morris offered the prayer. We then said the Pledge of Allegiance and sang God Bless America. October birthdays and Anniversaries were acknowledged. The minutes from the September meeting were reviewed. Ann Paul made the motion to accept the minutes, John Kozusko seconded the motion. The minutes were accepted as written. Jeff Matthews gave the Treasurer’s report. The balance as of September 30, 2023 was $1920.70. John Kutzner motioned to accept the Treasurer’s report, Mary Lou Spohn Meyers seconded. The Treasurer’s report was accepted pending audit. 

Committee Reports: 

Share the Wealth—Joanie Auth named the members who did not yet receive their tickets. 

Kitchen—Joanie mentioned that 7 cakes were needed for the November meeting. 

Community Service—John Kutzner is collecting for the Veterans. 

Sunshine—Doris Morris sent get-well cards to Larry Thomas and Chester Grassi.

 Programs—Mary Lou Spohn Meyers mentioned that the speaker for the November meeting will be William Jeffcoat speaking about “ Life Saving Service Dogs for Veterans”. 

Travel—Debbie from Thomas Tours could not be at the meeting, but she sent brochures listing upcoming trips. Louise Grassi left brochures for a trip in May to Lancaster. 

50/50—Bunny Varga announced the winner of the $57 jackpot was John Kutzner. John kindly donated half of his winnings to the Veterans collection. 

There was no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 12:30pm. 

Respectfully submitted,

 Marie Vokish, Secretary


Plum Borough AARP #3067

September 12, 2023 General Meeting Minutes

Unity Presbyterian Church, Plum Borough, PA



The meeting was called to order at 12:00 pm by President Tim Magerl.  Doris Morris offered the prayer. We then said the Pledge of Allegiance and sang God Bless America. September birthdays and Anniversaries were acknowledged.

The minutes from the June meeting were reviewed.  Louise Grassi made the motion to accept the minutes, Mary Lou Spohn-Meyers seconded the motion.  The minutes were accepted as written.

Jeff Matthews gave the Treasurer’s report. The balance as of August 31, 2023 was $1778.14.   John Kutzner motioned to accept the Treasurer’s report, Barb Mesher seconded.  The Treasurer’s report was accepted pending audit.

There was a correction to the yearly calendar, due to scheduling conflict at the Church, there will be NO June meeting, we will me on July 9th instead.

Committee Reports:

Community Service—John Kutzner announced that he will be collecting donations for the Veterans.

Kitchen—Cakes will be needed for the October meeting.

Programs—Mary Lou Spohn-Meyers announced that the entertainment for this meeting will be Twan Moore singer from the Marcel’s,  and for the October meeting it will be Steve Schindler playing music.

Travel—Debbie from Thomas Tours had some handouts with information on upcoming tours. Louise Grassi has a trip planned for May.

Membership—Barb Sommers announced that the membership now stands at 70 members.

50/50 Raffle—Bunny Varga announced  the winner of the $52 jackpot was Mary Ann Lockner.

Share the Wealth—Joanie Auth informed members that dues must be paid before members can receive their Share the Wealth tickets.                                              >>

There was no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 12:25pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Marie Vokish, Secretary


Plum Borough AARP #3067

January 10, 2023 General Meeting Minutes

Unity Community Church, Plum Borough, PA


The meeting was called to order at 12:00 pm.  Doris Morris offered the prayer. We then said the Pledge of Allegiance and sang God Bless America. January  birthdays and anniversaries were recognized.

The minutes from the last meeting were reviewed. Mary Lou Spohn-Meyers made the motion to accept the minutes, Judy Malesky seconded the motion, the minutes were accepted as read.

Jeff Matthews gave the Treasurer’s report. The balance as of December 31, 2022 was $1291.90   Mary Ann Sujansky motioned to accept the Treasurer’s report, Joanie Auth  seconded the motion.  The Treasurer’s report was accepted pending audit.

Committee Reports:

A thank you to Mary Ann Sujansky for doing a great job  organizing a very successful Christmas Party.

Community Service—John Kutzner thanked everyone for the donations to the veterans.

Kitchen—7 cakes are needed for the February meeting.

Sunshine—Doris Morris reported that cards were sent to Tim Magerl, Sandy Schmerbeck, George Scribe, Betty Bosnich, and a sympathy card to the Fred Dely family.

Programs—Mary Lou Spohn-Meyers announced the speaker for January’s meeting is Dr. Eric Marotta Chiropractor, and the speaker for the February meeting will be Karen Hochberg, director of the Plum Boro Community Center.

Travel—Thomas Tours has 2 upcoming trips, one to the Hartville Flea Market on Saturday May 20th, and another to Lancaster to the Light and Sound theater to see Moses, and to the Dutch Apple theater to see Elvis. Also, on February 8th to the Pittsburgh Glass Center.

Louise Grassi is organizing a trip to Seneca Niagara on March 26th-28th.

50/50—Bunny Varga announced the winner of the $45 jackpot, Phyllis Showalter.

There was no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 12:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marie Vokish, Secretary



Plum Borough AARP #3067

Unity Community Church

September 13, 2022 General Meeting Minutes


The meeting was called to order at 12:05pm.  Doris Morris offered the prayer. We then said the Pledge of Allegiance and sang God Bless America. September birthdays and anniversaries were recognized.

The minutes from the last meeting were reviewed. Bonnie Morris made the motion to accept the minutes, Pat McCafferty seconded the motion, the minutes were passed as read.

Jeff Matthews gave the Treasurer’s report. The balance as of August 31, 2022 was $1555.27.  Barb Mesher motioned to accept the Treasurer’s report, Judy Malesky seconded the motion.  The Treasurer’s report was accepted pending audit.

Committee reports:

Community service—John Kutzner will be collecting donations for the Veterans at the Aspinwall Hospital. He will be buying canteen tickets to give to the veterans at the hospital.

Kitchen—members were asked to sign up to bring cakes to the meeting. 7 cakes are needed per meeting.

Membership—we presently have 84 members in the chapter.

Christmas Party—Mary Ann Sujansky will be handling the arrangements for the party. Ticket sales will begin in October.

Hot Dog Luncheon--  The October luncheon will be free to members, however the hot dog luncheon in March will have a $2.00 charge.

There was no further business the meeting was adjourned at 12:35 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marie Vokish, Secretary



Plum Borough AARP #3067

Unity Community Church

May 9, 2022 General Meeting Minutes



The meeting was called to order at 12:05pm.  Doris Morris offered the prayer. We then said the Pledge of Allegiance and sang God Bless America. May birthdays and anniversaries were recognized.

 The minutes from the April meeting were reviewed.  Mary Lou Spohn- Meyer motioned to accept the minutes, Nancy Creamans seconded. The minutes were approved as read.

 Jeff Matthews gave the Treasurer’s report. The balance as of April 30, 2022 was $1464.23.  The report was accepted pending audit.

Committee Reports:

Sunshine--Doris Morris reported that a get-well card was sent to Jan Terlizzi.

Programs—Mary Lou Spohn-Meyers mentioned that the G-Boyz will be the entertainment for the June meeting.

Travel--Louise Grassi gave some details about the upcoming trip to Lancaster.

It was also mentioned that Thomas Tours has several tours available.

Membership—Barb Sommer reported that our chapter has 74 paid up members.

50/50—Bunny Varga announced the winner of the $53 jackpot was Theresa Kosakowski.

President Tim Magerl reminded members to vote in the upcoming primary election.

There was some discussion about the upcoming August Social Luncheon to be held at Palmieri’s restaurant. Tickets for the fundraising event will be $29.

Sandra Capp-Mihalek mentioned that the Share the Wealth tickets will be passed out at the August luncheon.

Our June meeting will be our annual pie and ice cream event. There will be a $2.00 charge this year.

There was no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at12:35 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marie E. Vokish, Secretary

Plum Borough AARP #3067
Unity Community Church

February 11, 2020 General Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order by President Mary Lou Spohn-Meyers at 12:02 pm.  Chaplain Doris Morris offered the prayer. We then said the Pledge of Allegiance and sang God Bless America. February birthdays and anniversaries were acknowledged.
The minutes from the January meeting were reviewed. A motion to accept the minutes was made by John Meyers and seconded by Mary Ann Sujansky. The minutes were approved as read.
John Kutzner gave the treasurer’s report for Jeff Matthews who was absent.  The balance as of January 31st was $2024.36.  Betzi Powers made the motion to accept the treasurer’s report and it was seconded by Rich Auth. The treasurer’s report was accepted pending audit.

Committee Reports:

Community Service-- John Kutzner reminded members to sign the large Valentine card he has that will be given to the Veterans at the hospital.

Kitchen-- Joan Auth mentioned that 10 cakes will be needed for next month’s meeting since a number of guests are expected and it will be a hot dog lunch also.

Sunshine-- Doris Morris sent get well cards to Ron Hromyak, Theresa Russell and Audrey Kubla.

Programs-- Mary Lou Spohn-Meyers mentioned that John and Betzi Powers will give a slide presentation of their travels at the March meeting.

Membership-- Barb Volzer reported that membership stands at 128.  Barb also welcomed and introduced guests attending today’s meeting.

John Powers reminded members of the Tax program at the Plum Senior Center for low income and seniors. It is necessary to make an appointment for the service, spaces are filling up quickly.  John also gave some information on tax law changes for 2019.  John reminded members that at the April meeting he will conduct the White Elephant Auction of gently used items.

50/50 Raffle-- Bunny Varga announced the winner of the $64 jackpot was Barbara Giammatteo.

Travel-- Larry Thomas mentioned that he has several trips planned for the upcoming months. He has information flyers available.

Old Business:

President Mary Lou reminded members that a new Membership chairperson is needed. 

New Business:

A chairperson is needed for the May Luncheon fundraiser.  Marie Vokish volunteered to chair the event.

John Kutzner mentioned that there is a presentation on Death and Taxes at Our Lady of Joy Church.  John also had information on phone scams.

     There was no further new business; the meeting was adjourned at 12:25.

     Respectfully submitted,

  Marie Vokish, Secretary

Plum Borough AARP #3067

Unity Community Church

January 7, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 10:10 AM by President Mary Lou Spohn-Meyers, followed by reciting the Lord’s Prayer.

The minutes from the last meeting were reviewed; there were no additions or corrections.  Audrey McGuire made the motion to accept the minutes, Barb Volzer seconded. The minutes were accepted as written.

Jeff Matthews gave the treasurer’s report. As of December 31, 2019 the balance was $1937.94.  Betzi Powers made the motion to accept the treasurer’s report, Pat McCafferty seconded, the treasurer’s report was accepted pending audit.

Committee Reports:

Sunshine-- Doris Morris reported that get well cards were sent to Evelyn McClintock and Shirley Hester.

Travel-- Larry Thomas reported that he has a Casino trip planned for January 21st going to the Meadows.

Membership-- Barb Volzer reported that the membership stands at 124 members. Barb also mentioned that she will be resigning her position as of the end of May.

Community Service-- John Kutzner mentioned that member George Kozusko donated his Share the Wealth winnings to the Veterans.  John thanked the 50/50 committee, Share the Wealth committee, and Membership committee for all their work to increase our funds this year.

Programs-- Mary Lou Spohn-Meyers announced that State Senator Jeff Brewster will speak at the January meeting.

Old Business:

There was discussion about some of the problems encountered with the venue and the entertainment for the Christmas party. 

Mary Lou thanked John and Gloria Kutzner for all the work they did for the donations to the Veterans.

New Business:

The May Luncheon Fundraiser is approaching and a chairperson for the event will be needed.

Betzi Powers mentioned that at the March meeting she and John will be the speakers at the meeting, presenting a slide show of their travels.  She has some friends who will be attending the meeting who are not members.  Betzi asked if she should contribute something to the cost of the hot dog luncheon for her guests, it was agreed that because of all the work John and Betzi do for our chapter a contribution would not be necessary.

There was no further new business to discuss; the meeting was adjourned at 10:45.

Respectfully submitted,

Marie E. Vokish, Secretary

Plum Borough AARP #3067

Unity Community Church

November 12, 2019 General Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order by President Mary Lou Spohn-Meyers at 12:02 pm.  Chaplain Doris Morris offered the prayer. We then said the Pledge of Allegiance and sang God Bless America. November birthdays and anniversaries were acknowledged.

The minutes from the October meeting were reviewed. A motion to accept the minutes was made by Mary Ann Sujansky and seconded by Nancy Creamans. The minutes were approved as read.

John Kutzner gave the treasurer’s report for Jeff Matthews.  The balance as of October 31st was $3596.35.  John Kutzner made the motion to accept the treasurer’s report and it was seconded by Mary Montanaro. The treasurer’s report was accepted pending audit.

Community Service-- John Kutzner reported that he has collected $300 so far for the Veterans and the Food Pantry.

Kitchen-- Joan Auth and Linda Broniman have volunteered to co-chair the Kitchen committee.

Sunshine-- Doris Morris reported that get well cards have been sent to Ron Hromyak, Phyllis Showalter, Gene Kelly and John Varga.

Programs-- Mary Lou Spohn-Meyers announced that the scheduled speaker for today’s meeting canceled.  Entertainment for the Christmas party will be Jimmy Sapienza and 2 Guys named Moe.

Travel-- Larry Thomas mentioned that trips for 2020 are in the planning stage.  There will not be any trips in January or February.

Membership-- Barb Volzer announced that membership stands at 124. New members are Gladys Edgar, Rosemary Hogan, Erika Shaffer and Sandra Capp-Mihalek.

50/50 Raffle-- Bunny Varga announced the winner of the $51 jackpot was Fred Dely.

The Christmas Party will be December 10, 2019 at Palmieri’s Restaurant. Doors will open at 11:00. No tickets will be sold at the door. Deadline to purchase tickets will be November 30th.

There was no further business; the meeting was adjourned at 12:25pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marie Vokish, Secretary.

Plum Borough AARP #3067

Unity Community Church

October 8, 2019 General Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order by President Mary Lou Spohn-Meyers at 12:04 pm.  Chaplain Doris Morris offered the prayer. We then said the Pledge of Allegiance and sang God Bless America. October birthdays and anniversaries were acknowledged.

The minutes from the September meeting were reviewed. A motion to accept the minutes was made by Mary Ann Sujansky and seconded by Rich Auth. The minutes were approved as read.

Jeff Matthews gave the treasurer’s report.  The balance as of September 30th was $2722.62.  Judy Malesky made the motion to accept the treasurer’s report and it was seconded by Betzi Powers. The treasurer’s report was accepted pending audit.

Committee Reports:

Community Service-- John Kutzner mentioned that he is collecting for the Christmas donations to the Veterans at the Aspinwall Hospital. John also mentioned he is collecting for the Food Pantry.

Sunshine-- Doris Morris reported no cards were sent out this month however, it was just learned that Gene Kelly is in the hospital and will be going to rehabilitation for broken vertebrae.

Travel-- Larry Thomas reported that the “Windows of Fall Color” trip will be leaving the Our Lady of Joy parking lot at 7:15am.  He is also taking reservations for the Christmas trip “Holiday Hop” scheduled for Thursday December 5, 2019.

Membership-- Barb Volzer announced that our present membership stands at 120.

Share the Wealth-- Betzi Powers mentioned that Joan Auth will be handling the duties for November and December while Betzi is away.

50/50 raffle-- Bunny Varga announced the winner of the $71 jackpot was Wilma McCafferty.

Old Business:

The Christmas Party will be at Palmieri’s restaurant.  The tickets are $20.00. So far 55 tickets have been sold.  Deadline for the tickets is November 30, 2019. Mary Lou Spohn-Meyers and Tim Magerl are co-chairpersons for the event.

There was no further business; the meeting was adjourned at 12:29pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marie E. Vokish, Secretary

Plum Borough AARP #3067

Unity Community Church

September 10, 2019 General Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order by President Mary Lou Spohn-Meyers at 12:00 noon.  Chaplain Doris Morris offered the prayer. We then said the Pledge of Allegiance and sang God Bless America. September birthdays and anniversaries were acknowledged.

The minutes from the June meeting were reviewed. A motion to accept the minutes was made by Mary Ann Sujansky and seconded by Gene Kelly. The minutes were approved as read.

Jeff Matthews gave the treasurer’s report.  The balance as of August 31st was $2586.62.  Alice Evans made the motion to accept the treasurer’s report and it was seconded by Barb Mesher. The treasurer’s report was accepted pending audit.

Committee Reports:

Community Service-- John Kutzner mentioned that he will start collecting for the Christmas donations to the Veterans at the Aspinwall Hospital.

Sunshine-- Doris Morris reported that a get well card was sent to Loretta Gillen, and a thinking of you card was sent to Tom Kuhns.

Programs-- Mary Lou Spohn-Meyers announced the entertainment for the October meeting will be Darryl and Kim singing a variety of music.

Travel-- Larry Thomas mentioned that he is looking over information for next year trips. Larry also requested that members give any suggestions for trips they would like to be planned.

Membership-- Barb Volzer announced that our membership has grown from 108 members to 119.  New members are Joyce Weinel, Connie Hannan, Michael and Nancy Cremeans, Jean Dobis, John and Kathy Kashawlic, J. Gordon and Donna Knapp, and Janet Terlizzi.  Barb welcomed back Mary Montanaro who was absent last year.

Share the Wealth-- Betzi Powers reminded members to turn in the Share the Wealth fundraiser tickets, additional tickets are available if members want them.

50/50 Raffle-- Bunny Varga announced the winner of the $66 jackpot was Barb Boyle.

New Business:

President Mary Lou mentioned to the members that a co-chairperson is needed for the Christmas party. Tim and Donna Magerl volunteered to co-chair along with Mary Lou.  

Joanie Auth will chair the October Hot Dog Luncheon.

There was no further new business; the meeting was adjourned at 12:25pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marie Vokish, Secretary

Plum Borough AARP #3067

Unity Community Church

June 11, 2019 General Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order by President Mary Lou Spohn-Meyers at 12:00 noon.  Bonnie Morris gave a prayer in the absence of Chaplain Doris Morris. We then said the Pledge of Allegiance and sang God Bless America. June birthdays and anniversaries were acknowledged.

The minutes from the April and May meetings were reviewed. A motion to accept the minutes was made by Mary Ann Sujansky and seconded by Judy Malesky. The minutes were approved as read.

Jeff Matthews gave the treasurer’s report.  The balance as of May 31st was $2235.21.  John Kutzner made the motion to accept the treasurer’s report and it was seconded by Linda Broniman. The treasurer’s report was accepted pending audit.

Committee Reports: 

Community Service-- John Kutzner mentioned that he will start collecting for the Christmas donations at the September meeting.

Sunshine-- Gloria Kutzner gave the report for Doris Morris.  Get well cards were sent to Mary Montanaro and Bill Volzer.  A sympathy card was sent to Doris Morris for the loss of her husband.

Travel-- Larry Thomas announced that the Hello Dolly trip has been canceled. He also mentioned that he is not getting a good response for the “Made in Pennsylvania” trip. The “Foundations of America” and the “Windows of Fall Color” trips are sold out.  He is also working on a couple of Christmas Trips.

Membership-- Barb Volzer announced that there are 107 paid up members. Barb also read a note from her husband Bill thanking everyone for the kind wishes and messages following his recent surgery.

50/50 Drawing--Bunny Varga announced the winner of the $51 jackpot.

August Social-- Sheryl Vensel is chairperson for the event.  Tickets are on sale for the event at today’s meeting, and during the month of July.

Installation of Officers and Board Members-- Audrey McGuire, Joan Auth, Gene and Barbara Sommers were sworn in as Board Members.

There was no further business; the meeting was adjourned at 12:20pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marie Vokish, Secretary

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